Harnessing natural genetic diversity to discover new biology and
decipher disease

Lab News
July 2024 - We gave it our all, but the lab fell just short of the Baker Lab in our annual putt-putt tournament.
June 2024 - The lab welcomes summer intern Madeline Rea! [Link]
June 2024 - Abdulfatai participated in the CSHL Statistical Analysis of Genome Scale Data course.
May 2024 - The lab welcomes new Tufts graduate student Hannah Dewey! [Link]
April 2024 - The Munger Lab was well-represented at The Allied Genetics Conference in Washington, DC. Congratulations to Selcan for being awarded a talk in the main meeting, to Abdulfatai for being awarded a talk in the IMGC Trainee Symposium, and to Katie for being awarded a poster presentation!
March 2024 - Steve gave an invited seminar at the University of Virginia
October 2023 - Steve gave an invited seminar at Columbia University
September 2023 - Steve gave an invited seminar at Cincinnati Children's Hospital
July 2023 - Selcan was featured on the GSA Genes to Genomes Blog! [Link]
July 2023 - Congratulations to Dr. Selcan Aydin on her promotion to Associate Computational Scientist!
June 2023 - Steve gave an invited lecture at the Mouse Development, Stem Cells, & Cancer Course at CSHL
March 2023 - Congratulations to Selcan on the publication of her mESC proteomics paper in Cell Genomics! [Link]
February 2023 - Congratulations to Katie Brunton on her promotion to Research Lab Associate Manager!
January 2023 - Steve gave an invited seminar at Michigan Tech University. [Link]
November 2022 - Congratulations to Steve on his promotion to Associate Professor!
October 2022 - Steve participated as a panelist at the virtual symposium "Using New Approach Methodologies to Address Variability and Susceptibility Across Populations" held by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences
June 2022 - Steve gave an invited lecture at the Mouse Development, Stem Cells, & Cancer Course at CSHL
June 2022 - We (finally) got a new lab photo taken!
April 2022 - Selcan's mESC proteome manuscript was posted to bioRxiv! [Link]
March 2022 - Selcan, Sam, and Abdulfatai have been awarded poster presentations at the upcoming PEQG conference.
February 2022 - Congratulations to Sam on her grad school offers! Update: She chose UNC - Chapel Hill!
January 2022 - The Munger Lab welcomes new post-doctoral fellow Abdulfatai Tijjani! [Link]
September 2021 - We convinced Sam to join the lab as a post-baccalaureate researcher!
July 2021 - The lab avenges our previous loss to the Baker Lab in the 3rd Annual Putt Putt Tournament!
May 2021 - The lab welcomes summer intern Samantha (Sam) Ardery! [Link]
April 2021 - Steve looks forward to chairing the GSA Conferences Committee.
March 2021 - Steve, Laura Reinholdt, and Chris Baker received an R24 grant!
January 2021 - Steve was appointed to the Executive Committee of the GSA.
September 2020 - Steve and Juergen Naggart received funding from the BrightFocus Foundation to use the Diversity Outbred mice and eQTL mapping to develop better mouse models of age-related macular degeneration (AMD).
August 2020 - Congratulations to Katie for getting accepted into the Professional Master's program in Bioinformatics at the University of Maine! Very exciting!
August 2020 - Selcan gets to stay in the lab! Thank you for finally coming through, US Visa system.
July 2020 - Our collaborative DO mESC manuscripts were published in Cell Stem Cell! [Link] [Link]
Research Preview in Cell Stem Cell [Link]
JAX Research Highlight [Link]
April 2020 - Selcan Aydin presented her mESC pQTL research at The Allied Genetics Conference!
April 2020 - Steve contributed a guest blog post to GSA's Genes to Genomes blog. [Link]
March 2020 - ???? The lab (and world) was turned upside down by the Covid-19 pandemic. [Link]
March 2020 - Steve and Dr. Muneer Hasham received an NCI R33 award to fund their xenograft studies!
March 2020 - The Munger Lab looks forward to welcoming Samantha Ardery to the lab this summer as part of the JAX Summer Student Program [Link] Update: 2020 SSP was cancelled due to COVID-19 (insert sad face).
December 2019 - Steve was elected to the GSA Board of Directors! [Link]
October 2019 - Steve was nominated to run for a position on the Board of Directors of the Genetics Society of America. [Link]
July 2019 - 2nd Annual Putt Putt Golf Tournament with the Baker Lab. We'll get you back next year!
July 2019 - Steve's NIH R35 MIRA grant was awarded!
February 2019 - The Munger Lab's first ES Cell manuscript is up on bioRxiv! [Link]
February 2019 - Steve met with students and gave a seminar at Bates College in Lewiston, Maine.
July 2018 - 1st Annual Putt Putt Golf Tournament with the Baker Lab ends in a tie!
July 2018 - Steve was nominated to serve on the Allied Programming Committee for TAGC2020. [Link]
June 2018 - The lab welcomes summer student Benjamin Allan-Rahill!
June 2018 - Steve was honored to give the commencement address at Sumner Memorial High School. [Link]
May 2018 - Doug Perkins returns for another summer in the lab. Welcome back!
April 2018 - The lab welcomes new research assistant Catherine (Katie) Brunton!
March 2018 - We wish Lisa Somes all the best on her next adventure! JAX will miss you!
January 2018 - The lab welcomes new post-doc Selcan Aydin!
News Archive [Link]

Munger Lab 2022. Bottom L-R: Katie Brunton, Abdulfatai Tijjani, Selcan Aydin.
Top L-R: Sam Ardery, Steve Munger, Bryant Luna Ramos
Photo credit: Thomas Fouchereaux

Munger Lab 2024. L-R: Hannah Dewey, Steve Munger, Pirate Pete, Madeline Rea,
Katie Brunton, Abdulfatai Tijjani. Not Pictured: Selcan Aydin
